Collecting a loved one’s life story on video is a rewarding experience for everyone involved. The ultimate success of your video project will be determined by the amount of involvement provided by you throughout the creation process.
Your legacy video production project consists of three easy steps:
(1) Plan for the Interview
This involves an introductory meeting designed to lay the groundwork for the interview.
The introductory meeting will cover the following discussion topics:
Selection of the Interview Topics pertinent to the interviewee
Gather a preliminary profile of the interviewee based on the Interview Topics selected
Identify preliminary artifacts such as pictures, video, film, etc. that would help to enhance the interviewee's stories
Determine where and when the video shoot should occur
Discuss what to expect during the interview process
Finalize commitments
(2) Conduct the Interview
Great care is always taken to help the interviewee feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. The interview itself is conducted in a conversational style which creates a sense of calm. Be assured that the interview will move at a pace suitable for the interviewee with breaks taken whenever desired.
(3) Create the Final Production
It is time now to edit the video into what will be the final life story production. This is by far the most time-consuming phase of the project and is a collaborative effort. There will be opportunities along the way to provide feedback, additional information and help make important decisions. When complete, the final version will be made available for you to view online and to download to your computer.